Beware of Camouflaged Selfishness
Selfishness isn’t always easy to spot. We recognize someone taking more than their fair share, but could self-sufficiency lead to selfish?
Beware of Camouflaged Selfishness
Purpose | Calling | Assignment
Increase Your YAC!
C = P x R
Who You Are and How You Do It
Knowledge Isn’t Power
Stop With The "Busy"
It’s Not the Hand, It’s the Heart
Is It the Weeds or the Soil
Use the Trial ... Don't Let It Use You
Your Past Doesn't Disqualify You
You're Not Done Yet!
Faith & Motives
Faith or Fear? Ebola Will Make You Choose
Who Are We ...REALLY?
The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing But the Truth
Don't Shrink God
Strength in Weakness
Worth the Risk