Our life runs off the fuel that we feed it. The fuel of our life is what we read, what we watch, what we listen to, who we spend our time with, what we ingest, and many others things that influence our life. So to enable our lives to run at tip top condition, we must fuel it with the highest quality fuel. Reading scripture even just a verse a day is good fuel. Watching stories of athletes or other community leaders overcoming adversity and conquering new heights is good fuel. Listening to inspiring, uplifting music on the radio is incredible fuel. Choosing to spend time with people that are positive and encouraging ... Again incredible fuel for your lives.
Contrast that to a life without daily spiritual encouragement, watching garbage on tv or at the movies, listening to music that promotes womanizing or partying all the time, or putting large amounts of alcohol or drugs in your body to separate from reality. As innocent as we think those things are, it is fueling our lives. As strong and disciplined as we think we are, we can't deny its negative effects. If there is a doubt, try a week of quality fuel over destructive fuel and see if our lives are different.
John 10:10 says the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I (Jesus) have come to give you life and life in abundance. The thief accomplishes his mission with destructive fuel, but God has the life giving alternative.